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Goal setting: Why sometimes its not helpful.

lindsay hughes

We are all told that setting goals increases our sense of achievement when we meet them. But what happens if we don't achieve them? The disappointment can set us back and we can become disheartened. New Year is an obvious goal setting occasion, when we reflect back on the year and think about what we would like to achieve in the coming year: lose weight, stop smoking, find a new job etc etc. These goals tend to be big and dramatic, such as losing 3 stone instead of 1 stone or stopping smoking instead of cutting down. Sometimes these can be unrealistic, setting ourselves up to fail.

In hypnotherapy sessions I help you set smaller and realistic goals, helping you edge towards a larger goal. When we make small achievements our serotonin (the feel good chemical) levels increase and it helps increase motivation towards the next step forward. When goals are too big, we can loose motivation quickly when we don't achieve it and then we are back to square one.

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